
Welcome to @charieliezxje’s GitHub Profile!

👋 Introduction

Hello! I’m @charieliezxje, and I am deeply passionate about the world of coding, specifically in the realm of collaborative projects. My journey in tech is currently centered around Web Development, and I am eager to learn, grow, and contribute to this vibrant community.

🌱 Learning Journey

As of now, I am immersed in the fascinating world of Web Development. This field offers endless possibilities to create, innovate, and make an impact on users worldwide. I am dedicating my time to mastering the technologies and methodologies that drive the modern web, aiming to become proficient in both front-end and back-end development aspects.

👀 Interests

My interests are broad, yet they all converge on one thing: collaborative coding. I believe that the best products and technologies are born from teamwork, where diverse ideas and perspectives come together to create something truly remarkable. I’m particularly excited about contributing to public projects where I can both share my knowledge and learn from others.

💞️ Collaboration Opportunities

I am on the lookout for opportunities to collaborate on public projects. My goal is to contribute to projects that are open to the community, where I can apply my skills in Web Development and also learn from the collective wisdom of the community. Whether it’s contributing code, providing feedback, or helping with documentation, I am ready to dive in and make a meaningful contribution.

📫 How to Reach Me

The best way to connect with me is right here on GitHub. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in collaborating, have questions, or just want to chat about Web Development and technology in general. I’m always open to connecting with like-minded individuals and exploring new opportunities.

😄 Pronouns


⚡ Fun Fact

Despite my love for coding and technology, I have a confession to make: I hate C and Assembly! While I recognize their importance in the foundation of programming and computer science, they’re just not my cup of tea. I much prefer the dynamic and ever-evolving world of Web Development.

GitHub Profile Stats for charieliezxje

charieliezxje's GitHub Streak

charieliezxje's GitHub Contributions

I’m looking forward to connecting with you and exploring the endless possibilities that coding and technology have to offer. Let’s make something great together!